

Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is LiYifan,I am currently studying at the School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University, majoring in Software Engineering. My GPA is 3.86 out of 4, ranking 2nd out of 181 students. I have taken courses such as Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Computer Graphics, Data Structures, and Algorithms, achieving high scores of 95+ in most of these courses. I am proficient in programming languages like Python, C++, and JavaScript, and I am also skilled in using tools like LaTeX, Office, and Markdown. I have a solid foundation in mathematics and have performed exceptionally well in courses such as Advanced Algebra (99) and Analytic Geometry (98). I have a strong ability to learn and the confidence to explore unfamiliar areas.

During my undergraduate studies, I have read a significant number of research papers on machine learning and deep learning, and I have deepened my understanding of the related theories by independently deriving formulas. I have always maintained a strong interest in and focus on cutting-edge fields, constantly expanding my knowledge and perspectives. Through reading research papers, I have extensively studied the core algorithms and models of machine learning and deep learning.

I have participated in several projects during my university years, accumulating valuable research experience. In a mathematical modeling competition, I played a role in data preprocessing and model implementation, using an LSTM model for time series forecasting of gold and bitcoin prices. In a national-level innovation and entrepreneurship training program, I was responsible for creating datasets and using the YOLO network to identify road defects. Additionally, I have been involved in several personal projects, such as generating handwritten digits using GANs and synthesizing patient data. I have also reproduced some research papers in the field of computer graphics.

I am particularly interested in the fields of computer graphics and computer vision, especially in the areas of self-supervised learning and multimodal learning. In my future studies and research, I will continue to delve deeper into these areas, expanding my knowledge and practical experience. My goal is to publish high-quality papers at top conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ICML, and AAAI, making contributions to the advancement of these fields.

Furthermore, I have long-term plans to pursue further education overseas after completing my graduate studies. I aim to secure a position as an Assistant Professor at a university, where I can cultivate more outstanding talents and contribute to the flourishing development of the field.


Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is LiYifan I am studying at the School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University, majoring in Software Engineering. My GPA is 3.86 out of 4, ranking 2nd out of 181 students. I have excelled in courses such as Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Computer Graphics, Data Structures, and Algorithms, with scores of 95+ in most of them. I am proficient in programming languages like Python, C++, and JavaScript, and skilled in using tools like LaTeX, Office, and Markdown. I have a strong interest in machine learning and deep learning, having read numerous related research papers and gained in-depth understanding through independent derivation of formulas. I have participated in several projects during my undergraduate studies, including a mathematical modeling competition and a national-level innovation and entrepreneurship training program. I am particularly interested in computer graphics and computer vision, aiming to publish high-quality papers at top conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ICML, and AAAI. After completing my graduate studies, I plan to pursue further education overseas and aspire to become an Assistant Professor at a university, fostering more exceptional talents and driving the field’s prosperity.

Why you choose our school,SJTU?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to discuss why I chose SJTU for my graduate studies. There are several reasons why I am particularly interested in pursuing my studies at SJTU.

First and foremost, SJTU has a strong reputation as one of the top universities in China, known for its academic excellence and rigorous curriculum. The university has a rich history of producing outstanding graduates and conducting cutting-edge research in various fields.

Secondly, SJTU offers a comprehensive and diverse range of programs and research opportunities that align perfectly with my academic and career interests. The university’s renowned faculty members, advanced facilities, and extensive resources provide an ideal environment for me to further develop my skills and broaden my knowledge.

Additionally, SJTU has a vibrant and dynamic academic community that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. This collaborative atmosphere will allow me to interact with fellow students and researchers from different backgrounds, fostering an enriching learning experience and encouraging innovative thinking.

Furthermore, SJTU has strong industry connections and collaborations, offering excellent opportunities for practical application and real-world experiences. This aspect is crucial for me as I aspire to bridge the gap between academia and industry, and SJTU’s emphasis on practical knowledge and industry engagement aligns perfectly with my career goals.

Lastly, the vibrant city of Shanghai, where SJTU is located, offers a thriving cultural and professional environment. The city’s global influence and numerous opportunities for networking and career development further enhance the appeal of studying at SJTU.

In conclusion, SJTU’s academic reputation, diverse programs, collaborative environment, industry connections, and the vibrant city of Shanghai make it an ideal choice for my graduate studies. I am confident that studying at SJTU will provide me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and opportunities to excel in my academic and professional endeavors.

Why do you want to go to graduate schools?(You are interested in CV)

As someone passionate about computer vision (CV), pursuing graduate studies is a natural progression in my academic and professional journey. There are several reasons why I am eager to attend graduate school in the field of CV.

Firstly, graduate school offers a more in-depth and specialized education that goes beyond the foundational knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies. Through advanced coursework and research opportunities, I will be able to delve deeper into the theories, algorithms, and methodologies specific to computer vision. This will enable me to develop a strong expertise and understanding of the subject.

Secondly, graduate school provides a platform for collaboration with renowned researchers and professors in the field of computer vision. Working closely with experienced academics will expose me to the latest advancements, cutting-edge research, and emerging trends in CV. Their mentorship and guidance will significantly contribute to my growth as a researcher and help me stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

Additionally, graduate school offers valuable research opportunities that allow me to contribute to the field of computer vision. I am eager to work on challenging projects, explore innovative ideas, and develop novel solutions to real-world problems. Graduate school provides the resources and support necessary to conduct in-depth research, conduct experiments, and publish findings in reputable conferences and journals. These contributions will not only enhance my knowledge but also make a meaningful impact on the CV community.

Furthermore, graduate school provides a network of like-minded individuals who share my passion for computer vision. Collaborating and exchanging ideas with fellow students will foster a stimulating learning environment and expose me to different perspectives. This community of peers will push me to excel, inspire me to explore new directions, and provide valuable opportunities for future collaborations.

Lastly, obtaining an advanced degree in CV will open doors to exciting career opportunities. The demand for experts in computer vision is growing rapidly across industries such as autonomous vehicles, healthcare, robotics, and augmented reality. With a graduate degree, I will be equipped with the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to tackle complex challenges and make meaningful contributions in these fields.

In summary, my desire to attend graduate school in computer vision stems from a deep passion for the subject, the opportunity for advanced education and research, collaboration with experts in the field, the chance to make a significant impact, and the potential for exciting career prospects. Graduate school will provide the ideal platform for me to further my knowledge, contribute to the field, and pursue my long-term goals in computer vision.

Describe your experience on projects and your role in them.

I have been involved in several projects, taking on different roles and responsibilities. Here are some examples:

Road Surface Defect Detection based on YOLO:

In this project, my role was to create and clean labeled data, write the model configuration files. I contributed to the training process, ensuring the model learned to accurately detect road surface defects using the YOLO network.

Analysis of Composition Prediction for Ancient Glass Artifacts:

For this project, I took on the responsibility of model establishment. I integrated various methods, including decision trees, principal component analysis, and BP neural networks. We discussed the relationships between different attributes of ancient glass artifacts and designed a classification model to predict their chemical compositions. This project addressed the issue of varying correlations among chemical components of different types of ancient glass artifacts.

I was involved in the graphical representation and formatting of research papers. This included creating figures, charts, and diagrams to effectively present the research findings and contribute to the overall visual appeal of the papers.

Generating Synthetic Patient Data and Handwritten Digits using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):

In this project, my task was to utilize GANs to generate realistic simulated patient data and handwritten digits. By training the GAN model on existing datasets, I successfully generated synthetic data that closely resembled real patient data and handwritten digits.

Reproduction of GrabCut Algorithm and Automatic Image Segmentation using Saliency Maps:I successfully reproduced the GrabCut algorithm, which is widely used for image segmentation. Additionally, I utilized saliency maps to automate the process of image segmentation, improving the efficiency and accuracy of the segmentation results.

These experiences have allowed me to apply my knowledge and skills in practical projects, contributing to the development of various research areas.

Can you describe your plan during postgraduate stage?

During my postgraduate stage, my plan includes specializing in computer vision and machine learning, conducting research and publishing papers, collaborating with industry, participating in conferences and workshops, teaching and mentoring, seeking international experience, and pursuing a Ph.D. Ultimately, I aim to contribute to academia as a professor and researcher in computer vision.

What would you most like to study?

I am most interested in studying research areas related to:

3D vision, including autonomous driving, 3D reconstruction, and 3D object recognition.

Embodied intelligence in robotics, focusing on deploying large-scale visual models in physical entities.

Computer graphics using large-scale models and neural radiance fields (NeRF).

Cross-modal large-scale models, such as CLIP and AIGC.

AI for science, particularly in medical biology.

These research directions align with my interests and offer exciting opportunities for exploration and contribution.


Do you have any hobbies that you are proud of?

Yes, I have several hobbies that I take pride in. One of my main hobbies is photography. I enjoy capturing moments and exploring different perspectives through the lens of a camera. I take pride in the moments I can capture and the emotions I can evoke through my photography.

I have a deep passion for music. I love listening to various genres of music, including classical, rock, pop, and electronic. Music inspires and uplifts me, and I appreciate the emotional and artistic expression it offers.

I am also skilled in playing MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games like “Arena of Valor” (known as “王者荣耀” in Chinese). I enjoy the strategic gameplay, teamwork, and competitive nature of these games. Through practice and experience, I have developed good game sense, reflexes, and an understanding of different character roles and strategies.

Furthermore, I am passionate about hiking and outdoor activities. Exploring nature’s beauty, challenging myself physically, and experiencing different landscapes bring me a sense of fulfillment. I have taken on various hiking trails and mountains, pushing my limits and enjoying the serenity of nature. Hiking has taught me perseverance, mindfulness, and a deep appreciation for the world around us.

These hobbies not only bring me personal satisfaction but also contribute to my personal growth, creativity, and overall well-being. I take pride in pursuing these activities and the joy they bring to my life.

What’s you weakness?

One weakness I have is that I tend to be prone to anxiety. I have a tendency to worry about things that haven’t happened yet, which can sometimes affect my ability to stay fully focused and present in the moment. This anxiety can also lead to overthinking and analyzing situations excessively, which can be counterproductive(适得其反).

To address this weakness, I actively practice mindfulness and stress-management techniques. I make a conscious effort to recognize when I am becoming anxious and take steps to calm my mind, such as deep breathing exercises or engaging in activities that help me relax. Additionally, I prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance, which helps to reduce overall stress levels.

I also find it helpful to break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, as it allows me to focus on one thing at a time rather than being overwhelmed by the bigger picture. Seeking support from friends, family, or mentors and discussing my concerns with them can also provide valuable perspective and reassurance.

While managing anxiety is an ongoing process, I am committed to continually improving and finding effective strategies to mitigate(缓解措施) its impact on my personal and professional life.

Favourite food

I have no preference when it comes to food.

Favourite film

The Matrix is a prophetic piece of art. It is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic films of all time. I fell in love with it at first sight.

“The Matrix” is a thought-provoking and captivating science fiction film that showcases an incredible imagination and philosophical depth in exploring the dialectical relationship between human existence and free will.The Matrix film series essentially tells the process of the evolution of a new type of intelligent life, depicting how humans are eventually discarded into the garbage bin of civilization and how they are ultimately drained of their last bit of utility.

“The Matrix” is a thought-provoking and captivating science fiction film that showcases an incredible imagination and philosophical depth in exploring the dialectical relationship between human existence and free will.

Set in a virtual reality world known as “The Matrix,” the film reveals the reality of humans being ruled by machines and immersed in a false illusion. The plot is tight and gripping, taking the audience on a journey of self-awareness and freedom through the protagonist Neo’s path.

The visual effects in the movie are breathtaking, cleverly portraying the contrast between reality and virtuality. Slow-motion shots and stunning action sequences provide an unparalleled visual impact while showcasing the director’s meticulous attention to detail.

“The Matrix” is more than just an action-packed sci-fi flick; it is a thought-provoking philosophical work. The film delves into the meaning of human existence, the threat of technology to freedom, and the distinction between reality and illusion, sparking contemplation on these concepts.

The characterization is another highlight of the film. Keanu Reeves delivers a beloved portrayal of Neo, a hero whose growth and awakening are captivating. Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus embodies a leader with wisdom and courage, guiding and inspiring the narrative.

With its profound themes, stunning visual effects, and exceptional performances, “The Matrix” has become a landmark film. It provokes contemplation on human free will and the impact of technology on society, prompting audiences to reflect deeply on their own existence. Whether one is a fan of science fiction or interested in philosophical questions, this film offers an opportunity for introspection and exploration.

In conclusion, “The Matrix” is a profoundly philosophical and awe-inspiring film that will leave a lasting impact on viewers’ minds. It invites deep contemplation and stands as a testament to the exploration of human free will and the influence of technology.

What have you learned from the movie?

You Can’t Do It Until You Believe You Can

“Don’t think you are. Know you are.” — Morpheus

Shift your mind from having to do it to cultivate self-belief. Instead, think of it as you get to do whatever it is you want to believe.

As Hafez said — “What we speak becomes the house we live in.”

“What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”



Allow me to provide a brief introduction of my hometown, Yangzhou, in English.

Yangzhou is a city located in the eastern part of Jiangsu Province, China. It is renowned for its rich history and vibrant culture.

The city boasts a wealth of historical sites and natural beauty. Popular attractions include the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden, Daming Temple, and Heyuan Garden. The Slender West Lake is an iconic scenic spot in Yangzhou, known for its picturesque lake views, ancient architecture, and beautiful gardens. Ge Garden and Heyuan Garden are two ancient private gardens that showcase the essence of traditional Chinese garden art, featuring carefully designed landscapes, rockeries, and flowers.

Yangzhou is also famous for its diverse culinary culture. Yangzhou cuisine, one of China’s eight major culinary styles, is highly regarded for its delicate knife work, unique seasoning, and rich flavors. Signature dishes such as Yangzhou Fried Rice, Lion’s Head Meatballs, and Braised Lion’s Head attract food enthusiasts from near and far.

Furthermore, Yangzhou is a city steeped in cultural heritage. Yangzhou Opera, a local form of Chinese opera, has a long history and distinctive performance style. It is renowned for its refined performances and traditional singing techniques, garnering recognition both domestically and internationally. Additionally, Yangzhou is home to numerous museums, art exhibitions, and cultural events, offering a vibrant arts and cultural scene.

Yangzhou is a charming and dynamic city, adorned with historical treasures, natural landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. Its unique qualities captivate visitors and residents alike, providing a memorable experience. I take pride in growing up in such a beautiful city and will always cherish a deep affection for my hometown.


My father is a middle school mathematics teacher, and my mother used to work as a doctor. They have been a significant influence in my life, nurturing my passion for learning and providing unwavering(坚定不移的) support throughout my educational journey.

My father’s profession as a mathematics teacher has instilled(灌输) in me a love for numbers and problem-solving. From a young age, he encouraged me to explore the beauty and logic of mathematics, which greatly influenced my decision to pursue a career in the field of technology and software engineering.

On the other hand, my mother’s background as a doctor has inspired me to value the importance of healthcare.

Both of my parents have always emphasized the value of education and encouraged me to pursue my academic and career goals. Their unwavering support, guidance, and belief in my abilities have been instrumental in shaping the person I am today.

My grandmother takes care of daily living and meals for our family. She plays an essential role in ensuring our well-being and providing us with delicious and nutritious meals. Her dedication and love for our family are greatly appreciated, and we are fortunate to have her support and care.

We have a Chinese Rural(农村) Dog as a pet in our family. This breed is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and strong protective instincts. Our dog brings joy and companionship to our household, and we enjoy spending time with it, taking it for walks, and playing together. Having a pet enriches our lives and creates a warm and loving atmosphere at home.

I am grateful for the love, encouragement, and values instilled in me by my family. They have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation, and I am fortunate to have them as a strong foundation in my life.

Say something about your alma mater(母校),CQU

Chongqing University (CQU) is a renowned institution located in Chongqing, China.

I am grateful for the opportunity to transfer majors at CQU and have found the students to be warm and friendly. The campus provides a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere for learning and personal growth. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that girls in CQU are very attractive.


How do you handle your failure?

When faced with failure, I handle it by acknowledging my emotions, reflecting on the situation, learning from my mistakes, and maintaining a growth mindset. I also seek support from my loved ones and use setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and improvement.

What has been your greatest accomplishment?

As a student, my greatest accomplishment thus far would be maintaining a high academic performance throughout my studies. I have consistently achieved excellent grades and ranked among the top students in my major.

What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?

As a student, I am actively seeking opportunities that will allow me to further develop my skills, knowledge, and practical experience. I am particularly interested in research and innovation in the field of computer vision and machine learning. I am looking for opportunities to work on challenging projects, collaborate with experts in the field, and contribute to advancements in areas such as 3D vision, deep learning, and computer graphics. Additionally, I am eager to participate in internships or research programs that offer hands-on experience and the chance to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems. Overall, I am seeking opportunities that will foster my intellectual growth, expand my professional network, and ultimately contribute to my long-term career aspirations.

Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.

The best team I have been a part of was during a group project in my software engineering course. Our team consisted of highly motivated individuals who were committed to achieving our shared goals. Each team member brought unique skills and perspectives to the table, which greatly enhanced our collaborative efforts. We had excellent communication and coordination, dividing tasks effectively and ensuring everyone was on the same page. We fostered a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing ideas and seeking feedback. The result was a successful project with outstanding outcomes and a strong sense of accomplishment.

On the other hand, I have also experienced being part of a team that faced challenges and had difficulties working together. Communication breakdowns, conflicting opinions, and lack of accountability were some of the issues we encountered. These factors led to delays, decreased productivity, and a strained team dynamic. However, we recognized the importance of addressing these issues and made efforts to improve collaboration. Through open and honest discussions, we gradually resolved our conflicts, rebuilt trust, and managed to complete the project successfully, albeit with some valuable lessons learned.

Overall, both experiences taught me the importance of effective teamwork, clear communication, and maintaining a positive and supportive team culture. It highlighted the significance of understanding and respecting each team member’s strengths and weaknesses, and the value of working together towards a common goal.

The best team I’ve been a part of was characterized by highly motivated individuals who brought unique skills and perspectives. We had excellent communication, effective task delegation, and a supportive environment that led to successful outcomes.

In contrast, I’ve also experienced challenges in a team where communication and accountability were lacking. However, through open discussions, we addressed the issues, rebuilt trust, and completed the project successfully, learning valuable lessons in the process.

These experiences have taught me the importance of effective teamwork, clear communication, and maintaining a positive team culture.

Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?

During a particularly heavy course load in my undergraduate studies, I effectively managed my workload by implementing strategic time management techniques. I created a detailed schedule, prioritized tasks, and broke down assignments into smaller, manageable parts. I made use of available resources such as study groups and professor office hours, and practiced self-discipline to maintain a consistent daily routine. Taking care of my well-being by getting enough sleep, exercise, and relaxation also contributed to my ability to handle the workload successfully.

Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.

During a project, I encountered the challenge of capturing global information from images for accurate classification. To solve this problem, I proposed using PSPNet, which incorporates a pyramid pooling module. I creatively implemented PSPNet and trained it on an annotated dataset. The model effectively captured global information by leveraging the pyramid pooling module. This improved the accuracy of image classification. This example demonstrates my creative approach to problem-solving in computer vision tasks.

Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

While I haven’t personally encountered this situation, if faced with co-workers or classmates who dislike each other, I would take the following steps:

  1. Talk to each person individually to understand their concerns.

  2. Facilitate a group discussion to promote open communication.

  3. Find common goals to foster a sense of unity.

  4. Encourage collaboration through team-building activities.

  5. Mediate conflicts and find compromises.

Overall, I would prioritize open communication, finding common ground, and promoting teamwork to address the situation.

Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

I don’t believe in labeling decisions as the “worst” because I see every decision as an opportunity to learn and grow. However, I do recognize the importance of reflecting on past choices. One valuable lesson I’ve learned is that the real failure lies in giving up and not pursuing our aspirations. When we choose to embark on a journey, we must be prepared to face challenges and persevere through difficult times. It’s essential to remain determined and steadfast, regardless of the obstacles that come our way. By embracing the mindset of embracing challenges and pushing through adversity, we can continue to progress towards our goals and aspirations.

What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?

I find it challenging to work with individuals who lack accountability, have poor communication skills, or display a negative attitude. However, I believe that by promoting open communication and fostering a supportive work environment, it is possible to overcome these challenges and achieve successful outcomes.

What are some of the things you find difficult to do?

Like anyone else, I may find certain tasks or situations challenging. One area I sometimes find difficult is managing tight deadlines and multiple priorities simultaneously. It can be challenging to effectively prioritize tasks and allocate my time and resources accordingly. Additionally, I may face difficulties when working on unfamiliar or complex projects that require extensive research and problem-solving. However, I embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and continually strive to develop my skills and expand my knowledge to overcome them.

How do you handle rejection?

When faced with rejection, I don’t take it personally. Instead, I view it as an opportunity for growth. I seek feedback, reflect on the situation, and make necessary improvements. I maintain a positive mindset, stay motivated, and use rejection as fuel to work harder towards my goals. I also rely on the support of my network to stay grounded and gain fresh perspectives. Overall, I see rejection as a stepping stone to personal and professional development.

What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?

As an interviewer, I haven’t come across any specific negative comments or criticisms about your school. However, I believe that every institution has its strengths and areas for improvement. It would be more beneficial for me to focus on the positive aspects of your school and how I can contribute to its growth and development.

See this pen I’m holding. Sell it to me.

This pen offers a seamless writing experience with its smooth ink flow and comfortable grip. Its elegant design adds a touch of style and professionalism. With its convenience features like the secure clip and retractable mechanism, it’s the perfect accessory for everyday use.